Location based data storage and information consumption throws new light upon business context and can help us to explore brand new relations – this is GeoInsight.
Conjoining internal company data and external data bases, their map visualisation and geoinformatic analysis will become one of the new decision support systems of 21rd century. Our solution offers competitive advantage as previously unknown patterns and relationships can be outlined on the map ont he basis of which the business operation of the company can be further refined.
From where, what addresses do our present customers arrive?
Where does our target customer group become concentrated? Where can be reached? Defining target areas.
What do we know about the customers accessible within a location (sex, age, income, shopping patterns etc.)?
What size business potential does each target area have?
What size automotive or pedestrian catchment area can we calculate with for each target location?
Where are the points of service and points of sale of our competitors located?
Which is the optimum location? Which location can provide the best access to customers?
What size capacity will be necessary to provide for our target area successfully and effectively?
How can the performance of the end points be evaluated on the basis of the potential identified in the target area?
The first step is map location displaying. Advanced geomatic analysis starts from here.
Internal company data (customer, address, transaction, address of transaction etc. ) and public or purchasable external data bases (address registry, public transport stops, transport flow data, income data etc.) are combined and illustrated on the map.
Data bases are imaged by separate map sections. In most cases different type map layers are used (heatmap, point map, raster etc.) according to the characteristics of the data.
Geomatic analysis makes separate map sections and the background data bases being combined and analysed together possible. Consumer activities and behaviour can be identified, we can define the catchment areas of the end points or optimize the paths between end points etc.
We can define patterns and business correlations on the basis of map sections resulting from geomatic analysis. After exporting the data, on request we examine and test the hypotheses with economic modells and we can quantifiy them.
Our solution focuses on location, which can serve as an important input for the managers of every business area irrespective of industry. We recommend it to managers of sales, network management, customer relationship, marketing, PR and sales controlling areas. We offer tailor made services for our clients according to the aims defined by the given industry.
GeoInsight can help to increase company revenue...
with a rise in the number of customers because the acquisition end points, moving dealers will be situated along the financial and consumer activities defined on an objective basis
with a rise in the number of customers because optimizing the paths of moving dealers may result in an increased number of customer interactions
with a rise in premiums and turnover because a more precise, behaviour based segmentation interpreted within the given location makes a focused, customer demand oriented campaign menegement possible...
... at the same time we can count on serious cost reduction
by optimizing the network because the number of the end points participating in handling and sales and dealers are accommodated to the financial and consumer activities defined on an objective basis
by increasing the effectiveness of moving dealers because cannibalised areas can be dissolved with optimizing the paths so the number of the employed dealers can be cut down
by increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns because we can place advertisements adapted to the concentration and movement of the target groups
- 1. interior company data bases (customer, address, transaction, address of transaction etc.)
- 2. public or purchasable external data bases (address registry, public transport stops, transport flow data, income data etc.)
- 3. data cleaning
- 4. geocoding (map references from addresses)
- 5. separate map sections (heatmap, point map, raster etc.)
- 6. geomatic analysis of map sections
&MORE / Management consulting
Geomatic analysis leads us to explore business patterns, correlations and connections.
We can define business development possibilities aiming at first-moving advantage on the market.
We possess the proficiency needed to perform the task. We provide you with the professionals with appropriate industy and functional expertise on the areas of
- - acquisition assistance
- - campaign management
- - behaviour based segmentation
- - evalutaion of business potentials
- - network optimization
- - resource optimization and
- - sales controlling

Geolocation is not a finished product. It is a great base though to prepare advanced business analyses and develop our business – for which we can provide you with an expert team of many years of experience.
IFUA Horváth & Partners is the Hungarian member of Horváth & Partners consultancy headquartered in Stuttgart. Our independent international management consultancy employs more than 700 highly qualified employees in Germany, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Romania, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. We are experts of corporate performance management and performance optimization either for the company as a whole or for a business or professional field like strategy, innovation, structure, sales, operation, procurement, controlling, finance or IT. The largest German enterprises and top Hungarian companies are among our customers.
We are at home in every sector.